Our Affix In the course of a walk along the sea-shore Odin, the highest and holiest god of the Norsemen, once beheld nine beautiful giantesses - the wave maidens. He was so charmed by these beautiful creatures that he wedded all nine of them, and they combined, at the same moment, to bring forth a son, who received the name of HEIMDALL. He grew quickly and hastened to join his father in Asgard - the home of the gods. He found the gods proudly contemplating the rainbow bridge - Bifrost - which they had just constructed out of fire, air and water. This bridge connected heaven and earth, and ended under the shade of the mighty world-tree Yggdrasil. HEIMDALL was given the responsibility of guarding the rainbow highway into Asgard and he kept vigilant watch night and day. To help him the assembled gods bestowed upon him senses so keen that he is said to have been able to hear both the grass grow on the hillside and the wool on the sheep's back. Also, he could see 100mil (old Norse measure) by day or night. He was further provided with a flashing sword and a marvellous trumpet called GIALLAR-HORN, which he blew whenever the gods' enemies approached. He was also the proud possessor of a swift, golden-maned steed named GULL-TOP, which bore him to and fro over the quivering rainbow bridge. Heimdall's palace, named HIMINBIORG, was situated on the highest point of the bridge. |
I am a retired headmaster of a school for pupils aged 7 to 11 years.
My first Dobermann was acquired in 1969. Unfortunately, his character turned out to be very poor. He was extremely fearful in all situations and this experience made a lasting impression on me with regard to the character of the breed.
I am a Championship Show judge in the UK but I have also had the privilege to judge in Germany (3 times), Hungary (twice) and the U.S.A. In October 2000 I judged in Johannesburg for the Dobermann Club of South Africa. During September 2001 I judged at the Dobermann Association of Portugal Show and in October 2001 I officiated for the Dobermann Club of Jamaica. In March 2006, I judged the males at Cruft's.
My involvement with Dobermanns began in the late 1960s. The most famous dog I have bred (with my ex- husband) was Champion Flexor Flugelman. In 1973 he was Reserve in the Working Group at Cruft's. He went one better than this in 1975 by winning the Working Group there - the first Dobermann to do so.
I, too, am a Championship Show judge and have had the honour of judging Dobermann bitches at Cruft's in 2002. I am a former President of the Welsh Dobermann Club.